Computer systems(Database) (SBE306) - Fall 2019

Teaching Staff

Instructor: Dr. Ahmed Kandil.

Demonstrators: Eng. Ayman Anwar.

Section Hours

Section Day Time Slot
1 Thursday 1st
2 Thursday 2nd

Office Hours

Day Time
Tuesday from 12pm to 4pm
Thursday from 12pm to 6pm

extra office hours requested via E-Mail to (Subject : EXOFH)

Course Outline

Week Content Tasks
1 Introduction to full stack development and database management systems —-
2 ER model and basic SQL statements —-
3 SQL Relations and JOINs —-
4 Introduction to python and mysql-connector —-
5 Python Flask Web-MicroFramework —-
6 Flask Templates and style sheets —-

Required installations

visit AMPPS and download the latest version according to your distributions.

  1. windows
    • for installation please follow regular installation steps (next » next » finish)
    • please make sure you have internet connection during installation
  2. Linux
    • please make sure you have internet connection during installation. type the following command after routing to download directory.
      cd /download/location
      chmod 0755 Ampps-<version>-<arch>.run
      sudo ./Ampps-<version>-<arch>.run

      To run ampps

      sudo /usr/local/ampps/Ampps

      On startup

      You should see something like this indicating the server has started properly.

common issues for LINUUX installation

if you have a problem installing ampps on linux type the following:

cd /usr/local/ampps/apache/lib
sudo mkdir backup
sudo mv ./libapr* ./backup/
sudo apt-get -y install libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dev libapr1 libapr1-dev 

then restart your device and run the following every time you want to start it.

cd ~
sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 /usr/local/ampps/Ampps 




SBE306 Project

  • Project : Department Oriented HIS