Application 1: Simple Calculator

Starting from the following code (name the file as calculation.cpp):

double calculation( double a, double b, char op )
    // Implement the ('+','-','/','*') 
    // operations for 'a' and 'b' using if-else or switch case.


int main()
    // Create two doubles for the operands. (initialize /w 0)
    // Create a char for the operation. (initialize /w '+')

    // Receive the input from the user using std::cin in one line.

    // Call the function 'calculation' and print its output


Finally compile your file:

g++ calculation.cpp -o calculator.out

Test your program:

16 * 3

So every time you need to run the program to make single calculation!

Additional Improvement

Make your program able to make infinite calculations, until the user uses ‘!’ as an operation. For example, if user inputs 5 ! 3, the the program halts.

Application 2: Pythagoras

Starting from the following code (name the file as pythagoras.cpp):

double length( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 )
    // Apply Pythagoras law to compute the distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) 


int main()
    // Create four doubles for the x1, x2, y1, y2.
    // Receive the input from the user using std::cin in one line.

    // Call the function 'length' and print its output


Additional Improvement

Make your program able to persist running, until the user special input. For example, if the user input four zeros, then the program halts.

Additionally use struct to declare a new type Point:

struct Point
    double x;
    double y;

Now, instead of using four doubles, you can use two Points.

Update your length function to the following signature:

double length( Point p1, Point p2 )
    // Apply Pythagoras law to compute the distance between p1 and p2 
