# Section 5 ## Linked Lists ##### Presentation by *Asem Alaa*
--- class: left, top ## Linked Lists #### Arrays vs. LL * **Arrays** => **contiguous elements** in the memory. * **LL** => **sparse** in memory, Each element in **LL** can see the *next* element. #### Why linked lists * .green[Very flexible in insertion/removal.] * **Arrays** => .red[fixed sizes] * **Arrays** => .red[expensive insertion] --- ### The Memory Mode: Array vs. Linked List
--- ### Pointers revisited * Each element => *node*. * To connect between nodes => **pointers**. * *node* has a **pointer** pointing to the *next node*. --- ### **DNA** sequence as a Linked List (LL) ```c++ struct node { char data; node* next; }; ```
--- #### Linked list of doubles ```c++ struct node { double data; node* next; }; ``` --- #### *Insert* element to the front: ```c++ node *pushFront( node *front , double data ) { front = new node{ data , front }; return front; } ``` ##### Alternatively... ```c++ node *pushFront( node *front , double data ) { return new node{ data , front }; } ``` --- #### *Insert* element to the back ```c++ node *pushBack( node *front, double data ) { if( front == nullptr ) { front = new node{ data , front }; return front; } else { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; temp->next = new node{ data , nullptr }; return front; } } ``` --- #### *Insert* element to the back (+DRY) ```c++ node *pushBack( node *front, double data ) { if( front == nullptr ) return pushFront( front , data ); else { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; temp->next = new node{ data , nullptr }; return front; } } ``` --- #### The last node (back) ```c++ node *backNode( node *front ) { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; return temp; } ``` --- class: small #### *Insert* element to the back (+DRY) ```c++ node *backNode( node *front ) { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; return temp; } node *pushBack( node *front, double data ) { if( front == nullptr ) return pushFront( front , data ); else { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; temp->next = new node{ data , nullptr }; return front; } } ``` --- class: small #### *Insert* element to the back (++DRY) ```c++ node *backNode( node *front ) { node *temp = front; while( temp->next != nullptr ) temp = temp->next; return temp; } node *pushBack( node *front, double data ) { if( front == nullptr ) return pushFront( front , data ); else { node *back = backNode( front ); back->next = new node{ data , nullptr }; return front; } } ``` --- #### Linked list in main function ```c++ #include
struct node { double data; node* next; }; node *pushFront( node *front , double data ){ ... } node *backNode( node *front ){ ... } node *pushBack( node *front, double data ){ ... } int main() { node* l = nullptr; // Empty list // append elements with values 1^2 to 10^2 for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) l = pushBack( l , i*i); // print all elements followed by a space for (node *temp = l; temp != nullptr; temp = temp->next ) std::cout << temp->data << ' '; } ``` --- #### Linked list traversal ```c++ void printLL( node* front ) { node *current = front; while( current != nullptr ) { std::cout << current->data; current = current->next; } } ``` --- ### C++ STL Linked Lists vs Dynamic Arrays #### Includes ```c++ #include
``` ```c++ #include
``` --- ### C++ STL Linked Lists vs Dynamic Arrays #### Construction ```c++ #include
int main() { std::vector< double > v; std::list< double > l; } ``` --- ### C++ STL Linked Lists vs Dynamic Arrays #### Insertion of $1, 2^2, 3^2,..., 10^2$ ```c++ #include
int main() { std::vector< double > v; std::list< double > l; // append elements with values 1^2 to 10^2 for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) { v.push_back(i*i); } // append elements with values 1^2 to 10^2 for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) { l.push_back(i*i); } } ``` --- ### C++ STL Linked Lists vs Dynamic Arrays #### Traversal ##### Print all elements followed by a space ```c++ for (int i=0; i< v.size(); ++i) { // O(n) std::cout << v[i] << ' '; } for (int i=0; i< l.size(); ++i) { // // operator[] is undefined for list. std::cout << l[i] << ' '; // Compiler error } for (int i=0; i< l.size(); ++i) { // O(n^2) time auto it = std::next( l.begin(), i ); std::cout << *it << ' '; } for (auto it =l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { // O(n) std::cout << *it << ' '; } ``` --- ### C++ STL Linked Lists vs Dynamic Arrays #### Traversal (Universal Approach for STL containers) ```c++ // print all elements followed by a space for (double x : v ) std::cout << x << ' '; // print all elements followed by a space for (double x : l) std::cout << x << ' '; ``` This also works ```c++ // print all elements followed by a space for (auto x : v ) std::cout << x << ' '; // print all elements followed by a space for (auto x : l) std::cout << x << ' '; ``` --- ### General Linked List (LL): 11 operations * insertion at front (`pushFront`). * insertion at back (`pushBack`). * remove from front (`popFront`). * remove from back (`popBack`). * remove nth element (`removeAt`). * return front (`getFront`). * return back (`getBack`). * return nth element (`getAt`). * is empty? (`isEmpty`) * print all elements (`printAll`) * delete the whole list from the heap (`clear`). --- #### A: LL of Integers ##### Define Your New Types ```c++ struct IntegerNode { int data; IntegerNode *next = nullptr; }; struct IntegerLL { IntegerNode *front; }; ``` --- ##### Access ```c++ int getFront( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } IntegerNode* backNode( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } int getBack( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } IntegerNode* nodeAt( IntegerLL &list, int index ) { /* Logic */ } int getAt( IntegerLL &list , int index ) { /* Logic */ } ``` --- ##### Access ```c++ IntegerNode* nodeAt( IntegerLL &list, int index ) { IntegerNode* temp = list.front; for( int i = 0; i < index ; ++i ) temp = temp->next; return temp; } ``` --- ##### Insertions ```c++ void pushFront( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { /* Logic */ } void pushBack( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { /* Logic */ } ``` --- ##### Insertions ```c++ struct IntegerLL { IntegerNode *front; }; IntegerNode* pushFront( IntegerNode* front, int data ) { front = new node{ data , list.front }; return front; } void pushFront( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { list.front = new node{ data , list.front }; } void pushBack( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { /* Logic */ } ``` --- ##### Are you empty? ```c++ bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list ) { if( list.front == nullptr ) return true; else return false; } ``` --- ##### Are you empty? ```c++ bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list ) { return list.front == nullptr; } ``` --- ##### Removal
```c++ void removeBack( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } void removeFront( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } void removeAt( IntegerLL &list, int index ) { /* Logic */ } ``` --- ##### Removal ```c++ void removeBack( IntegerLL &list ) { } ``` --- ##### Removal ```c++ void removeBack( IntegerLL &list ) { if( isEmpty( list )) return; else if( list.front->next == nullptr ) removeFront( list ); else { IntegerNode *prev = list.front; while( prev->next->next != nullptr ) prev = prev->next; delete prev->next; prev->next = nullptr; } } ``` --- ##### Traverse, clear ```c++ void printAll( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } void clear( IntegerLL &list ) { /* Logic */ } ``` --- #### Exercise: Copy your logic for Linked List of characters Copy-paste the same logic of the Linked List of integers, but change each: * `int` to `char`, * `IntegerLL` to `CharLL`, and * `IntegerNode` to `CharNode`. --- #### Next Lab ##### Turning "free functions" to "methods" ```c++ int main() { node* l = nullptr; // Empty list for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) l = pushBack( l , i*i); } ``` ```c++ int main() { LLDouble l; // Empty list for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) l.pushBack( i*i ); } ``` --- #### Next Lab ##### Templetize (DRY+++++) ```c++ int main() { LLDouble ld; // Empty list of doubles LLInteger li; // Empty list of integers } ``` ```c++ int main() { LL
ld; // Empty list of doubles LL
li; // Empty list of integers } ``` --- # Thank you