C++ Milestones

Compiling C++ of 2003

g++ -std=c++03 source_code.cpp -o output_name

Compiling C++ of 2011

g++ -std=c++11 source_code.cpp -o output_name

Other Important g++ Compiler Flag

-Wall flag

  • Let your compiler not just reports you errors.
  • Let him report you all the warnings.
  • Fixing warning avoids many run-time issues.

Compiling C++ of 2003

g++ -Wall -std=c++03 source_code.cpp -o output_name

Compiling C++ of 2011

g++ -Wall -std=c++11 source_code.cpp -o output_name

Assignment of Week 4

General LL: 11 operations


  1. insertion at front.
  2. insertion at back.
  3. remove front.
  4. remove back.
  5. return front.
  6. return back.
  7. return node at arbitrary index.
  8. remove the kth-node.
  9. remove nodes with given data, i.e filtaration.
  10. is empty?
  11. printAll.
  12. delete the whole list from the heap.

A: LL of Integers

struct IntegerNode
    int data;
    IntegerNode *next = nullptr;

struct IntegerLL
    IntegerNode *front;

void insertBack( IntegerLL &list , int data )
    // Logic

void insertFront( IntegerLL &list, int data  )
    // Logic

int front( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

int back( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

int getNth( IntegerLL &list , int n )
    // Logic

void removeBack( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void removeFront( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void removeNth( IntegerLL &list , int n )
    // Logic

void removeNext( IntegerLL &list, IntegerNode *node )
    // Logic

void filter( IntegerLL &list , int data )
    // Logic

bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void printAll( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void clear( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

B: LL of Characters

struct CharNode
    char data;
    CharNode *next = nullptr;

struct CharLL
    CharNode *front = nullptr;

Stacks using LL

Node type

struct CharNode
    char data;
    CharNode* next = nullptr;


In case of LL-based stack, we can represent a stack using only a single pointer, i.e the front of the stack.

struct CharStackLL
    CharNode *front = nullptr;

Initially, when stack is empty, the front pointer points to nothing, i.e nullptr.

Push operation

When we push a new element, we add that element to the front. We make sure that we link the new node correctly.

void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data )
    CharNode *newNode = new CharNode;

    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->next = stack.front;

    stack.front = newNode;

or, equivalently

void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data )
    CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ data , stack.front };
    stack.front = newNode;

or, a DRY solution (optional):

void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data )
    // 1. Make list interface
    CharLL list{ stack.front };

    // 2. DRY
    lists::insertFront( list , data );

    // 3. Update Stack front
    stack.front = list.front; // update the front of the stack

Front access

As simple as:

char front( CharStackLL &stack  )
    return stack.front->data;

Pop operation

When popping (deleting) an element from the front,

void pop( CharStackLL &stack )
    if( stack.front )
        // Save the pointer of the front, so we delete it later
        CharNode *oldFront = stack.front;

        // Update the front of the stack
        stack.front = stack.front->next;

        // Now delete the old pointer
        delete oldFront;
        // If the stack is empty, make the program to terminate (crash)!
        // The user of this function should have checked if the stack is not empty.
        exit( 1 );

or DRY solution,

void pop( CharStack &stack )
    // 1. Make list interface
    CharLL list{ stack.front };

    // 2. DRY
    lists::removeFront( list );
    // 3. Update Stack front
    stack.front = list.front;

Asking a Stack if it is Empty

bool isEmpty( CharacterStackLL &stack )
    if( stack.front == nullptr )
        return true;
        return false;

Again, could be done that way:

bool isEmpty( CharacterStackLL &stack )
    return stack.front == nullptr;

Home Demo

Open StackLL and play with the stack to realize its behaviour. This demo shows a Stack implemented with linked list.

LL-Based Queues

The same node struct.

struct DoubleNode
    double data;
    DoubleNode *next;

And the whole Queue is represented by two elements: Front (or Head) and Back (or Rear). We can wrap these element in the following struct:

struct DoublesQueueLL
    DoubleNode *front = nullptr;
    DoubleNode *back = nullptr;

Asking if the LL is Empty

bool isEmpty( NumbersQueueLL queue )
    if( queue.back == nullptr )
        return true;
        return false;

Or equivalently,

bool isEmpty( NumbersQueueLL queue )
    return queue.back == nullptr;

Enqueuing a New Element

The new elements will be directly added using back pointer.

void enqueue( NumbersQueueLL &queue , double newSample )
    if( isEmpty( queue ))
        queue.back = new DoubleNode{ newSample , nullptr };
        queue.front = queue.back;
        queue.back->next = new DoubleNode{ newSample , nullptr };
        queue.back = queue.back->next;

The above snippet is updated at Thursday 22 March 2019.

Dequeueing an Element

Left for the assignment.

Bonus: Array-Based Queues

  • Trick: Circular Buffer.

Regular Functions and Methods

CharStackLL cstack;

Which is more elegant?

push( cstack , 'A' );

What if we can do

  • First version => regular function.
  • Second version => method.

Procedural Paradigm

struct CharStackLL
    CharNode *front = nullptr;

void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data )
    CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ data , stack.front };
    stack.front = newNode;

Object Oriented Paradigm (OOP)

struct CharStackLL
    CharNode *front = nullptr;
    void push( char newElement )
        CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ newElement , this->front };
        this->front = newNode;
  • A method inside a struct has an access to a very special pointer called this.
  • this pointer gives a method access to all the struct members.



Preprocessor directives

  • Includes.
  • Include guards.
  • Macros.
  • Macro functions.

// includes of external headers here

// Your functions here


Include guards

Const Correctness

When passing a pointer or reference that should not be modified, It is very recommended to add const qualifier, so you guarantee the used function won’t modify its contents.

struct IntegerNode
    int data;
    IntegerNode *next = nullptr;

struct IntegerLL
    IntegerNode *front;

void insertBack( IntegerLL &list , int data)
    // Logic

void insertFront( IntegerLL &list, int data )
    // Logic

int front( const IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

int back( const IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void removeBack( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void removeFront( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void removeNode( IntegerLL &list , IntegerNode *node )
    // Logic

void removeData( IntegerLL &list , int data )
    // Logic

bool isEmpty( const IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void printAll( const IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

void clear( IntegerLL &list )
    // Logic

Advanced: Intro to Build Systems

An introduction to build systems by Marwan Abdellah, Ph.D, Blue Brain Project, EPFL

To access the workshop pages and materials: The Second Biomedical Engineering Workshop.

In depth:

Introduction to CMake from Kitware on Vimeo.


sudo apt-get install cmake