Assignment 3: Corner Detection, Image Segmentation and clustering , Snake
- Corner detection.
- active contours (Snake).
- segmentation and clustering
Prerequisites (Before you start)
- Read Section 5 slide
- Read Section 6 Notes.
- Read Section 7 Notes.
Friday 26/4/2019 11:59 PM.
Discussion TBA.
Joining to Assignment Repository
This is a Group assignment 3 members maximum.
- Go to the Assignment Page.
- Accept the assignment.
- Wait till your repository created.
- Open the link and Clone repository.
Please modify the ui file from previous assignment and add the following requirements to previous tasks toolbox.
- Corner detection:
- have input and output image windows
- you should have an entry for parameter setting if any.
- snake algorithm:
- the tab should have one image window.
- the user should use the mouse to enter the initial contours positions on the input image.
- start button to enable the contour to fit on objects.
- you should have an entry for parameter setting if any.
- image segmentation and clustering:
- required (region growing, Kmeans and Mean Shift).
- you should have a menu to select one of the algorithms.
- input and output image windows are needed
- you should have an entry for parameter setting if any.
Part 2: Written
Report all details about your implementations in markdown file
. Report must show sample results of your code. Compare between spatial and frequency domain filters, organize the report and be concise. State issues you faced in the assignment and how you treated with it. Mention any kind of contribution of other students.
Important Notes
- Don`t use any OpenCv packages.
- Each team should implements all algorithm without using any image processing packages.
- You are allowed to discuss task problems with your mates. But code must be on your own.
- You can get code lines from internet and include them in your own code and you must cite the source.
- Report must include summary about your implementation, sample results and issues that you faced and how you fixed it.
- You must mention any kind of contribution of other mates.
After finishing the requirements of the current assignment
git commit -a -m "solved all requirements!"