Assignment 4: Bioinformatics
- Implementation of algorithms for analysis of genomic data.
- Python programming with jupyter-notebook.
- Documentation
Prerequisites (Before you start)
- Read Section 9 & 10 Notes.
Tuesday 11/12/2018
Joining to Assignment Repository
Refer to this sheet to know your group number:
- Go to the Assignment Page.
- Joint Group or make another group.
- Wait till your repository created.
- Open the link and Clone repository.
- Write an algorithm to solve frequency words problem in bioinformatics
- Run your implementation on provided data
- Specify execution time for your implementation
- Report your work using Jupyter-notebook
How to ask for help?
You can ask me to review your code, give an advice and fixing bugs. It is so easy, you have just to commit your buggy code and push it to github then mention me in the a comment and I will review the code.
Important Notes
- You are allowed to discuss task problems with your mates. But code must be on your own.
- You can get code lines from internet and include them in your own code and you must cite the source.
- Sharing few code lines of your own with your classmates is allowed for identifying and fixing bugs, it is not allowed to see others solution before submitting.
- Report must include summary about your implementation, sample results and issues that you faced and how you fixed it.
- You must mention any kind of contribution of other mates.
$ git commit -a -m "solved all problems!"
$ git push origin master