
Abstract Data Type Overview

Abstract Data Types (ADT), as explained earlier are abstract specifications of a structure; ADT do not specify a particular implementation. ADTs we have been through so far:

  • Stack
  • Queue

While concrete data types that we can use to implement the above ADTs are:

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists

Task distribution on the team

Each member in the team is responsible to:

  1. work on a single particular type.
  2. implement a linked list for that type.
  3. based on the implemented linked list, implement a stack and a queue.
  4. based on raw static arrays, implement a stack.


  1. Collaboration in groups, using git.
  2. Implement concrete linked list of the following data types:
    1. member 1: char,
    2. member 2: std::string,
    3. member 3: Patient (defined in custom_types.hpp), and
    4. member 4 (if any): Point (defined in custom_types.hpp).
    5. member 5 (if any): double,
    6. member 6 (if any): int,
  3. For each type listed in (2), provide stack implementation using:
    • Arrays.
    • Linked Lists.
  4. For each type listed in (2), provide queue implementation using linked lists.
  5. Use your new data structures in interesting applications.

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Tuesday of 26 March 2019, 11:59 PM (PST time)

Assignment 5 Requirements

Concrete Implementation of Linked List

Supported Operations:

  1. insertion at front insertFront.
  2. insertion at back insertBack.
  3. remove front removeFront.
  4. remove back removeBack.
  5. remove the kth-element removeNth.
  6. remove a node given its preceding node removeNext.
  7. return front front.
  8. return back back.
  9. get arbitrary nth-element getNth.
  10. is empty isEmpty?
  11. size of the linked list size.
  12. printAll printAll.
  13. delete the whole list from the heap clear.

For example, member 1 can use the following function prototypes (declarations) that works for linked list of chars. Other members can adapt for the other required types:

void insertFront( CharsLL &list , char data );
void insertBack( CharsLL &list, char data );
void removeFront( CharsLL &list );
void removeBack( CharsLL &list );
void removeNth( CharsLL &list , int index );
void removeNext( CharsLL &list, CharNode *node );
char front( CharsLL &list );
char back( CharsLL &list );
char getNth( CharsLL &list, int index );
bool isEmpty( CharsLL &list );
int size( CharsLL &list );
void printAll( CharsLL &list );
void clear( CharsLL &list );

Realize that we can do better by using const qualifier (i.e. const CharsLL &list), for the functions that are not supposed to modify the linked list.

Stack (ADT)

Each member is required to provide two implementations (using arrays and linked lists) of the stack for the assigned type. For example, member 1 needs to implement:

  1. CharsStackArray: using static array of size = 2048 elements (i.e. char buffer[2048]; as a member in CharsStackArray).
  2. CharsStackLL: using the CharsLL.

Supported Operations:

  1. push.
  2. pop.
  3. size.
  4. is empty? isEmpty.
  5. return front front (LIFO).
  6. delete the whole stack clear.

For example,member 1 can use the following function prototypes (declarations) that works for stack of chars (array version). Other members can adapt for the other required types:

void push( CharsStackArray &stack , char data );
void pop( CharsStackArray &stack );
char front( CharsStackArray &stack );
bool isEmpty( CharsStackArray &stack );
int size( CharsStackArray &stack );
void clear( CharsStackArray &stack );

Realize that we can do better by using const qualifier when appropriate

Queue (ADT)

Each member is required to provide only one implementation by linked lists for the assigned type. For example, member 1 needs to implement CharsQueueLL.

Supported Operations:

  1. enqueue.
  2. dequeue.
  3. size.
  4. isEmpty.
  5. return front (FIFO).
  6. delete the whole queue clear.

As a guideline, member 1 can use the following function prototypes (declarations) that works for queue of chars (built on Linked Lists). Other members can adapt for the other required types:

void enqueue( CharsQueueLL &queue , char data );
void dequeue( CharsQueueLL &queue );
char front( CharsQueueLL &queue );
bool isEmpty( CharsQueueLL &queue );
int size( CharsQueueLL &queue );
void clear( CharsQueueLL &queue );

Realize that we can do better by using const qualifier when appropriate


A) Complementary DNA using Stack

It turns out that we can implement the complementary sequence of DNA using different methods. In the dna.hpp, you will find two versions for the complementary sequence function:

A.1 complementarySequence1 (implemented)

Which is the direct one that most of you managed to implement in the previous task. Here I provide an implementation using the handy std::string of the STL instead of using bare arrays.

std::string complementarySequence1( const std::string &dna )
    // Allocate string with the same size of `dna`, and init with zeros.
    std::string complementary = std::string( dna.size(), 0 );
    for ( int i = 0; i < dna.size(); ++i )
        complementary[i] = complementaryBase( dna[dna.size() - 1 - i] );
    return complementary;
A.2 complementarySequence2 (implemented)

In this version, which is also implemented for you, we will consider complementing the sequence without bothering with the indices trick part in version 1:

complementary[i] = complementaryBase( dna[dna.size() - 1 - i] );

Instead, we will push, in order, each complemented base in a stack. After we have a stack storing all the complementary bases, we will populate the new sequence by popped characters in the stack. That way we can obtain 1) a complemented bases and 2) in a reversed sequence.

In this function we are going to use the stack of the STL. To use an std::stack data structure, you need:

  1. #include <stack> library file.
  2. create the stack using the following syntax according to the type of interest:
std::stack< char > stack1; // now we have a stack of chars named `stack1`.
std::stack< int > stack2; // now we have a stack of integers named `stack2`.

We learn soon how to make template struct/class to make our data structures generic for any type.

Here is our complementarySequence2 function:

std::string complementarySequence2( const std::string &dna )
    // Empty string.
    std::string complementary;
    std::stack<char> dnaStack;

    for ( int i = 0; i < dna.size(); ++i )
        char c = complementaryBase( dna[i] );
        dnaStack.push( c );

    // Now populate the `complementary` from the stack.
    while ( !dnaStack.empty())
        char c =;
        complementary.push_back( c );

    return complementary;
A.3 complementarySequence3 (required)

In this function, you are going to use the same instructions in complementarySequence2, but this time using your own CharsStackLL.

A.4 Compiling complementaryDNA.cpp

Open the file complementaryDNA.cpp, then try to understand what it does. After that compile it and test:

g++ -std=c++11 complementaryDNA.cpp -o complementaryDNA
./complementaryDNA data/hiv1_envelope_gene.fasta

If your stack if working correctly, then you should see VERIFIED! in the last line.

B) DNA Transcription and Translation using Queue

In this part, you are going to work on rna.hpp file, where you are required to implement two functions:

B.1 transcribeDNA (required)

Given a DNA sequence, return its transcribed RNA. It is a very simple!

  1. Make a copy of the DNA.
  2. Convert each T (thymine) to U (Uracel).
B.2 translateRNA (required)

You are given an RNA, generate the sequence of amino acids (peptide). The idea is simple:

  • Convert each 3 neighboring bases (codon) to an amino acid, then take the next triplet and convert it to an amino acid, and so on.
  • Use codon2Aminoacid function that takes three bases, and returns their corresponding amino acid.
  • Use a queue to store the sequence of the generated amino acids.
  • After reaching the end of the sequence, populate an std::string object with the queue elements (that are inherently ordered).
B.3 Compiling and running translateDNA.cpp

Let’s test the DNA translation on a potential gene in the HIV1 virus. This gene is called Env (envelope gene) which attaches to the CD4 receptors present on lymphocytes, which makes the HIV1 as a trojan virus that enables them to destroy our immunity system.

g++ -std=c++11 translateDNA.cpp -o translateDNA
./translateDNA data/hiv1_envelope_gene.fasta

This should give you the protein sequence in this query page of the Env gene | NCBI.


These are suggested guidelines to follow, i.e not mandatory.


  1. To avoid conflicts, each member would create a unique header file (e.g member3.hpp), to implement his/her share in the task.
  2. After creating (or renaming) a file (e.g member3.hpp):
    • git add member3.hpp
    • git commit -a -m "add/rename file for member3"
    • git pull origin master
    • git push origin master
  3. It is recommended that each member wrap his/her own work in a namespace representing the data structure he/she works on. For example, lists, stacks, and queues.
  4. At the begining, you need for a meeting to settle on a plan for collaboration on the remote repository.
  5. It is recommended that each team has a leader, who distributes the load, writes any necessary skeleton codes.