Tutorial 4
Regard the following Relational model
Cross Product and JOIN Query
Q1 Retrieve employees names who are working in the Research department.
- cross product:
SELECT FNAME,LNAME from employee,department where DNO = DNUMBER and DNAME = 'Research'
- JOIN Query:
SELECT FNAME,LNAME FROM employee JOIN department ON DNO = DNUMBER Where DNAME = 'Research'
Q2 Retrieve project names where the last name of the department manager is Wong
- cross product:
SELECT PNAME from employee,department,project where DNUM = DNUMBER and MGRSSN = SSN and LNAME = "Wong"
- JOIN Query:
SELECT PNAME from employee JOIN department ON MGRSSN = SSN JOIN project ON DNUM = DNUMBER WHERE LNAME = "Wong"
Q3 Retrieve managers names having projects in ‘Stafford’
- cross product:
SELECT FNAME,LNAME from employee,department,project where DNUM = DNUMBER and MGRSSN = SSN and Plocation = "Stanfford"
- JOIN Query
SELECT FNAME,LNAME from employee JOIN department ON MGRSSN = SSN JOIN project ON DNUM = DNUMBER WHERE Plocation = "Stanfford"
Nested queries
Q1 Retrieve project names where the department manager last name is Wong or project names where employee smith is working in.
- Nested Query
SELECT PNAME from project where PNUMBER in (SELECT PNUMBER from employee JOIN department on MGRSSN = SSN JOIN project on DNUM = DNUMBER where LNAME = "Wong" ) or PNUMBER in (SELECT PNUMBER from employee JOIN works_on on ESSN = SSN JOIN project on PNO = PNUMBER where LNAME = "Smith" )
- Union Clause
SELECT Pname from project JOIN JOIN department on DNUM = DNUMBER JOIN employee ON MGRSSN = SSN WHERE Lname= "Wong" UNION SELECT Pname from project JOIN works_on on Pnumber = Pno JOIN employee on SSN = ESSN WHERE Lname= "Smith"
Try to solve the following
Retrieve the names of all employees in ‘Research’ department who work more than 10 hours per week on the ProductX project.
List the names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first name as themselves.
For each project, list the project name and the total hours per week (by all employees) spent on that project.
Retrieve the names of all employees who do not work on any project.