Introduction: Python Basics
Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike. Python’s readability makes it a great first programming language — it allows you to think like a programmer and not waste time with confusing syntax. For instance, look at the following code to print “hello world” in Java and Python.
public classMain{
public static void main{
system.out.printline("hello world");
print("hello world")
Variables in python are very flexible, unlike C++:
- Interpreted language.
- No need to declare the variable type.
- The same variable can be assigned to different types.
x = 5
y = 'Hello SBME'
z = 5
z = "Hello SBME"
# List construction
subjects = ['Technical Writing','Computer Vision']
# Append an element
# Append another list
print( subjects ) # ??
print( subjects[0] ) # ??
print( subjects[1] ) # ??
Arithmetic Operations
x = 19
y = 18
z = x / y
z = x * y
z = x + y
z = x - y
Logical Opertations
x = 17 % 2 == 1
y = 9 / 3 < 1
b = x or y ## True
b = x and y ## False
in C++ -
in C++
If, elif, else
x = 23
y = 22
if x < y:
z = 13 # Local scope
elif x % 2 == 1 and x > y :
h = 17 # Local scope
v = 80 # Local scope
print( z ) # Error: z is out of scope
print( h ) # Error: h is out of scope
for i in range(10):
print( i )
i = 0
while i < 10 :
print( i )
i += 1
def mean( list ):
sum = 0
for element in list:
sum += element
return sum / len( sum )
m = mean([1,12,42,1,23,12])
print( m )