Tutorial one

This week we will talk about DMS and a quick intro for the Basic SQL statement.

start ampps

type the following in your browser http://localhost/ampps/ you should see

ampps tour

click on phpmyadmin or just type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in your browser. you should see

  • on your left new we help you building new database
  • select your database
  • you can view your database structure or adding new table using structure tap
  • SQL or Query tap to start writing queries on your database

Queries time

we created the table from phpmyadmin lets write an equivalent query.

CREATE statement

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    coulumn1 datatype constraint,
    coulumn2 datatype constraint,
    coulumn3 datatype constraint,

For example

CREATE TABLE students(
    Fname VARCHAR(250),
    Lname VARCHAR(250),
    st_id INT NOT NULL,
    class_id INT NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(250)

so what are available data-types for SQL ? For MoreInfo you can visit W3schools datatypes and for constraint visit W3schools constraint and for sure it will be explained later on during the course.

INSERT statement

INSERT INTO table_name (column1 ,
                        column3 , ...) 
                        (value1 , 
                        value3, ...);

for example (if you created the previous table):

INSERT INTO students (Fname, 

HINT : you don`t have to insert in all columns of the table because later we will learn how to update a certain record

now once we inserted a record in our database how do we retrieve what is in our database

SELECT statement

SELECT column1 , column2 , .... 
                FROM table_name;

To select all the records from the database

SELECT * from students;

Question? Take a moment and think is it practical to retrieve all the data from the data base ?

where clause

used to select data that serves a particular condition.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition; 

for examples

SELECT * from students
    WHERE st_id = 1;

logical expressions (AND , OR and NOT) could be used to join multiple conditions

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 OR condition3 ...; 

ORDER clause

we can order the retrieved data by any mean of a certain column values.

for example

SELECT Fname , Lname 
    FROM students
    ORDER BY st_id;

the update clause used to update the value of one , more or all database entries in a table.

UPDATE statement

UPDATE table_name
    SET  column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
    WHERE condition;

for example

UPDATE students
    SET Fname = " plapla " , email = "plapla@sucks.com"
    WHERE st_id = 1;

we can delete one or more data base entry from our table controlled by a condition.

DELETE statement

DELETE FROM table_name
    WHERE condition; 

for example

DELETE FROM students
    WHERE st_id IS NULL