
  • Raising modeling transformation level.
  • Modeling a 3D object.
  • Apply transformations to move the camera around,up,beneath and through the objects the model.
  • simulation for full body joints movement.
  • Report your results and comments.


Deadline for online submission will be on Saturday 4/4/2020 11:59 PM

Joining to Assignment Repository

This is an individual assignment

  1. Go to the Assignment Page.
  2. Accept the assignment.
  3. Wait till your repository created.
  4. Open the link and Clone repository.
  5. you will find a starter code for most of camera movements functions and you need to implement the logic.


  6. use the robotic body drawn in the last assignment.full body should be used with requirements from previous assignments
  7. Set up camera to move around the body
  8. the body joints movements from assignment 2 should be maintained.
  9. using the mouse navigation for camera vertical rotations.
  10. using the right arrow and left arrow keyboard keys to
  11. using the up arrow and down arrow provide rotation around horizontal axis.
  12. write down a markdown report in the readMe.md file with screen shots for main movements.


$ git commit -a -m "solved all problems!"
$ git push origin master


  1. Mouse function : here