
Review Assignment Due Date


First Interface Starting board position


This project is an implementation of the all popular - and not at all complex :slightly_smiling_face: - chess game. The project is written entirely in Java, and follows the programing principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).


Pieces’ movements:

This is not your average chess game, we made some spicy changes :yum:. The changes we made to the pieces’ movements include:

Basic gameplay:

The only game mode available for now is offline PvP, it includes:

The game also includes some good ol` updates from the 15th Century:

Quality of life:

We included a json file containing some usernames and passwords, those are used to login to accounts. Login example

Future work

The project of course is in need of more updates, not gameplay related of course (Chess hasn’t been updated since the early 19th century, and we plan on leaving it that way). We want to add: