class: center, middle # Introduction to Bioinformatics Eslam Adel email: `` --- ## Overview * Cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms.
--- * Cell nuclei contains cell's genetic materials DNA and RNA * DNA forms the chromosomes. * Human has 23 pairs of chromosomes. * Human Genome is distributed along these chromosomes.
--- ## DNA * DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acids. * DNA has two strands of four types of nucleotides. * Adenine (A) * Guanine (G) * Cytosine (C) * Thymine (T) * The two polymers are complementary to each other. * DNA makes us different ---
--- ## Genome Data This is how gnome data looks like
--- ## Genome replication * Genome replication basically is to copy or make a clone of the gnome. * Not for one time it is for million of times. * Gnome replication is a complex process * Till now it is not fully understood by the biologists.
--- ## DNA Replication
--- ## Replication Origin * Finding replication origin is a key for many applications * gene therapy * genetic modified food like frost-resistant tomatoes and [ pesticide-resistant corn]( * The idea of gene therapy simply is to infect patient who lack a specific gene with artificial gene that encode a therapeutic protein. Once become inside the cell it will be replicated and treat the patient. ---
--- ## First human gene therapy experimentally * A four-year old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. * She has adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infections. * White blood cells were taken from her, and the normal genes for making adenosine deaminase were inserted into them. * The corrected cells were reinjected into her.
--- * So where is engineering here. It is purely biological problem. * Only biologist can find experimentally the origin of replication. * Simply he could cut cell DNA to pieces and find which piece will make the cell stop replication and hence it must be the origin of replication.
--- ## Hidden message in Replication origin * [The Gold-Bug]( short story tells us about a hidden message of pirate treasures. * This message must be encoded to be understood.
--- * It was noticed that **;48** sequence is frequently repeated in that message, * given that it is encoded from english and the most frequent word in english is THE we can replace ; with T, 4 with H, and 8 with E.
--- * We have a better chance now to encode the message
* So frequent word is the hidden message for decoding. --- ### Counting words * So the first problem we need to solve is to count number of repetitions of a pattern in the text. ```python PatternCount(Text, Pattern) count ← 0 for i ← 0 to |Text| − |Pattern| if Text(i, |Pattern|) = Pattern count ← count + 1 return count PatternCount("GCGCG", "GCG") > Output 2 ``` **Lets try to implement it** --- ### Getting Started with Python * Python is interpreted high level programming language for general purpose computing. * You already installed anaconda. We can use spyder IDE to run our code, but we will use jupyter notebook.
--- ### Variables Python is untyped language ```python x = 5 y = 'Hello SBME' ``` --- ### Lists ```python # Initialize the list myList = [2, 55, 565] # add an element at the end of the list myList.append(8) # Add element in specific index myList.insert(1, 7) print( myList ) # ?? print( myList[0] ) # ?? print( myList[3] ) # ?? print( myList[4] ) # ?? ``` --- ### Arithmetic Operations ```python x = 19 y = 18 z = x / y z = x * y z = x + y z = x - y ``` --- ### Comparison Operators operator | meaning ---|--- == |Equal to != |Not equal to < |Less than > |Greater than <= |Less than or equal to >= |Greater than or equal to --- ### Logical Operations ```python x = True y = False x or y x and y not x ``` --- ### If, elif, else ```python x = 25 y = 20 if x < y: print("y is greater than x") elif x == y: print("x and y are equal") else: print("x is greater than y") ``` --- ### Loops ```python for i in range(10): print( i ) i = 0 while i < 10 : print( i ) i += 1 ``` --- ### Functions ```python def mean( list ): sum = 0 for element in list: sum += element return sum / len( list ) m = mean([1,12,42,1,23,12]) print( m ) ``` --- ### Importing Libraries ```python import numpy as np ``` --- ### Reverse complement
--- Given a text of DNA string get its reverse complement ```python def reverseComplement(Text): complementDict = {} complementDict["A"] = "T" complementDict["C"] = "G" complementDict["G"] = "C" complementDict["T"] = "A" reverseComplement = "" # an empty string for i in reversed(Text): reverseComplement = reverseComplement + complementDict[i] return reverseComplement reverseComplement("AAAACCCGGT") > Output ACCGGGTTTT ``` --- ### Frequent words Given a text find frequent words with a specific length k. ```python FrequentWords(Text, k) FrequentPatterns ← an empty set for i ← 0 to |Text| − k Pattern ← the k-mer Text(i, k) Count(i) ← PatternCount(Text, Pattern) maxCount ← maximum value in array Count for i ← 0 to |Text| − k if Count(i) = maxCount add Text(i, k) to FrequentPatterns remove duplicates from FrequentPatterns return FrequentPatterns FrequentWords("ACGTTGCATGTCGCATGATGCATGAGAGCT", 4) > Output CATG GCAT ``` --- ## Useful links [Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I) ]( Online course [link](