--- ### Type Aliasing ```c++ struct Position { double x; double y; }; using Coordinates = Position; ``` --- ## C++ Milestones --
--- ### Compiling C++ of 2003 -- ```terminal g++ -std=c++03 source_code.cpp -o output_name ``` --- ### Compiling C++ of 2011 add flag `-std=c++11` -- ```terminal g++ -std=c++11 source_code.cpp -o output_name ``` --- ### Other Important g++ Compiler Flag -- #### `-Wall` flag -- * Let `g++` not just reports you errors. -- * Let him report you all the **warnings**. -- * Fixing **warning** avoids many run-time issues. -- ##### Compiling C++ of 2011 plus enable all warnings ```terminal g++ -Wall -std=c++11 source_code.cpp -o output_name ``` --- ## Assignment of Week 4 ### General Linked List (LL): 11 operations --
© algomation.com --- ### LL operations: -- * insertion at front. -- * insertion at back. -- * remove from front. -- * remove from back. -- * remove nth element. -- * return front. -- * return back. -- * return nth element. -- * remove a node **next to** a given node. -- * remove nodes with given data (filtration). -- * is empty? -- * printAll. -- * delete the whole list from the heap. --- #### A: LL of Integers -- ##### Define Your New Types -- ```c++ struct IntegerNode { int data; IntegerNode *next = nullptr; }; struct IntegerLL { IntegerNode *front; }; ``` --- ##### Insertions -- ```c++ void insertBack( IntegerLL &list, int newElement ) { // Logic } void insertFront( IntegerLL &list, int newElement ) { // Logic } ``` --- ##### Access -- ```c++ int getFront( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } int getBack( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } int getNth( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ##### Removal -- ```c++ void removeBack( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } void removeFront( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } void removeNth( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } void removeNext( IntegerLL &list, IntegerNode* node ) { // Logic } ``` --- ##### Remove an Arbitrary Point -- ```c++ void removeNode( IntegerLL &list , IntegerNode *node ) { // Logic } void removeData( IntegerLL &list , int data ) { // Logic } ``` --- ##### Are you empty? -- ```c++ bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ##### Display, clear ```c++ void printAll( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } void clear( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic // Memory Management } ``` --- #### B: LL of Characters ```c++ struct CharNode { char data; CharNode *next = nullptr; }; struct CharLL { CharNode *front = nullptr; }; ``` --- #### Copy your logic Copy-paste the same logic of the Integers Linked List, but change each: -- * `int` to `char`, * `IntegerLL` to `CharLL`, and * `IntegerNode` to `CharNode`. ---
--- ### Stacks using LL -- ### Node type ```c++ struct CharNode { char data; CharNode* next = nullptr; }; ``` -- ### Stack-LL ```c++ struct CharStackLL { CharNode *front = nullptr; }; ``` -- * And we need: push, pop, and front. --- ### Stack-LL: access front operation ```c++ char front( CharStackLL &stack ) { return stack.front->data; } ``` --- ### Stack-LL: Push-to-front operation
© algomation.com --- ### Stack-LL: Push-to-front operation ```c++ void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data ) { CharNode *newNode = new CharNode; newNode->data = data; newNode->next = stack.front; stack.front = newNode; } ``` or, equivalently ```c++ void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data ) { CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ data , stack.front }; stack.front = newNode; } ``` --- #### DRY solution: (optional): ```c++ void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data ) { // 1. Make a LL interface CharLL list{ stack.front }; // 2. DRY lists::pushFront( list , data ); // 3. Update Stack front stack.front = list.front; } ``` --- ### Pop operation When popping an element from the front,
© algomation.com --- ```c++ void pop( CharStackLL &stack ) { if( stack.front ) { // Save the pointer of the front, so we delete it later CharNode *oldFront = stack.front; // Update the front of the stack stack.front = stack.front->next; // Now delete the old pointer delete oldFront; } else { // If the stack is empty, make the program to terminate (crash)! // The user of this function should have checked if the stack is not empty. exit( 1 ); } } ``` --- or DRY solution, ```c++ void pop( CharStack &stack ) { // 1. Make a Linked List Interface. CharLL list{ stack.front }; // 2. DRY lists::removeFront( list ); // 3. Update the Stack front now. stack.front = list.front; } ``` --- ### Asking a Stack if it is Empty ```c++ bool isEmpty( CharacterStackLL &stack ) { if( stack.front == nullptr ) { return true; } else { return false; } } ``` -- Again, could be done that way: ```c++ bool isEmpty( CharacterStackLL &stack ) { return stack.front == nullptr; } ``` --- ### Home Demo Open [{StackLL}](https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/StackLL.html) and play with the stack to realize its behaviour. This demo shows a **Stack** implemented with **linked list**. --- ## LL-Based Queues ```c++ struct DoubleNode { double data; DoubleNode *next; }; struct DoublesQueueLL { DoubleNode *front = nullptr; DoubleNode *back = nullptr; }; ``` --- ### Asking if the LL is Empty ```c++ bool isEmpty( NumbersQueueLL queue ) { if( queue.back == nullptr ) { return true; } else { return false; } } ``` --- Or equivalently, ```c++ bool isEmpty( NumbersQueueLL queue ) { return queue.back == nullptr; } ``` --- ### Enqueuing a New Element New elements can be added to the **back**. ```c++ void enqueue( NumbersQueueLL &queue , double newSample ) { if( isEmpty( queue )) { queue.back = new DoubleNode{ newSample , nullptr }; queue.front = queue.back; } else { queue.back->next = new DoubleNode{ newSample , nullptr }; queue.back = queue.back->next; } } ``` .red[*The above snippet is updated at Thursday 22 March 2019.*] --- ### Dequeueing an Element Left for the assignment. --- ## Free Functions vs. Methods ```c++ CharStackLL cstack; ``` -- #### Which is more elegant? -- ```c++ push( cstack , 'A' ); ``` -- What if we can do ```c++ cstack.push('A'); ``` -- * First version => free function. * Second version => method. --- #### Procedural Paradigm -- ```c++ struct CharStackLL { CharNode *front = nullptr; }; void push( CharStackLL &stack , char data ) { CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ data , stack.front }; stack.front = newNode; } ``` --- #### Object Oriented Paradigm (OOP) -- ```c++ struct CharStackLL { CharNode *front = nullptr; void push( char newElement ) { CharNode *newNode = new CharNode{ data , this->front }; this->front = newNode; } }; ``` -- * A method inside a `struct` has an access to a very special pointer called `this`. * `this` pointer gives a method access to all the `struct` members. --- ## Const Correctness When passing a *pointer* or *reference* that **should not be modified**. It is very recommended to add `const` qualifier, so you guarantee the function **won't modify its contents**. ```c++ struct IntegerNode { int data; IntegerNode *next = nullptr; }; struct IntegerLL { IntegerNode *front; }; ``` --- ```c++ void insertBack( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ void insertFront( IntegerLL &list, int data ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ int front( IntegerLL &list ) { list.front = nullptr; // !!! // Logic } ``` -- ```c++ int front( const IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ int back( IntegerLL &list ) { // What if your frind missed up with the list! nuke( list ); // Logic } ``` -- ```c++ int back( const IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ void removeBack( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` ```c++ void removeFront( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ void removeNode( IntegerLL &list , IntegerNode *node ) { // Logic } ``` ```c++ void removeData( IntegerLL &list , int data ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` -- ```c++ bool isEmpty( const IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ void printAll( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` -- ```c++ void printAll( const IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ``` --- ```c++ void clear( IntegerLL &list ) { // Logic } ```