* Includes.
* [{Include guards}](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Include_guard).
* Macros.
* Macro functions.
## Naming Conventions
* Teammates should agree on naming conventions.
* Makes Project .green[consistent] and .green[easier to read].
* No matter what name convention you settle with your team.
* **Consistency** what matters.
* Descriptive names.
### Variables naming
int adenine_counter = 0; // all lower_case
int adenineCounter = 0; // camelCase
* It is optional for the team.
* But afterwards, the team should be consistent.
### Types naming
`struct` (or equivalently `class`) naming.
struct IntegerArray // PascalCase
// some data
* *PascalCase* is usually recommended for `struct` and `class` names.
* `struct` and `class` are the same. They both define new types.
### Functions naming
int countChar( CharArray &array , char query ) // camelCase
// Logic
int count_char( CharArray &array , char query ) // lower_case
// Logic
### Namespace naming
* recommended to be all *lower\_case*
### Popular Naming Conventions
* [{Google}](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Naming)
* [{Geosoft}](http://geosoft.no/development/cppstyle.html)
## Const Correctness
When passing a *pointer* or *reference* that **should not be modified**. It is very recommended to add `const` qualifier, so you guarantee the function **won't modify its contents**.
struct IntegerNode
int data;
IntegerNode *next = nullptr;
struct IntegerLL
IntegerNode *front;
void insertBack( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void insertFront( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
int front( IntegerLL &list )
list.front = nullptr; // !!!
// Logic
int front( const IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
int back( IntegerLL &list )
// What if your frind missed up with the list!
nuke( list );
// Logic
int back( const IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void removeBack( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void removeFront( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void removeNode( IntegerLL &list , IntegerNode *node )
// Logic
void removeData( IntegerLL &list , int data )
// Logic
bool isEmpty( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
bool isEmpty( const IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void printAll( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void printAll( const IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
void clear( IntegerLL &list )
// Logic
## Advanced: Intro to Build Systems
[An introduction to build systems by *Marwan Abdellah, Ph.D, Blue Brain Project, EPFL*](http://bme-ws.yolasite.com/resources/Software%20Build%20Systems.pdf)
To access the workshop pages and materials: [{The Second Biomedical Engineering Workshop}](http://bme-workshop.weebly.com/material.html).
In depth:
Introduction to CMake from Kitware on Vimeo.
### Installation
sudo apt-get install cmake
### Demo
## Teaser: C++ Awesome GUI
### Summer and Next Year Expectations
#### Agenda
* Object Oriented Programming in C++.
* STL and Qt in more depth.
* GUI using Qt.
#### Patience